Our Process
From The Owner
By being in this business since 1996, I noticed a common problem most men have – they can’t visualize how a small swatch of fabric will look like a suit or shirt when its custom made.
I came up with a solution, hired some I.T guys, and a patent lawyer to come up with a game-changing device. It measures you, lets you pick the fabric, customizes it, and see YOURSELF (not some other dude) in that suit or shirt before you commit to buying it.
It makes a customer’s decision-making process much easier as everyone has different hair, eyes, and skin color..and you never know how a suit/shirt will look on you until you see yourself in it. Clients who used to struggle picking out 1 suit, now buy multiple suits in a few minutes. When it comes to innovation, we are always the first ones on the block!
Vijay Tharwani
Founder, Custom Men, LLC. -

See what you are in need of? Are there any suits/shirts which you have but don’t fit you anymore, out of style or need to be replaced/retired? Are there any pictures, magazine cuttings which caught your eye and you said to yourself, someday I will make myself a suit/shirt like that? Is there a friend, a celebrity or a co-worker whose style inspires you and you want your clothes to fit like his? Is there a particular suit, trouser or shirt which you love and wish all your clothes fit like that one? Collect these thoughts, these pictures, these sample garments and book your appointment.

During the fittings’ stage, our in house tailor will go over your fit and make sure everything fits you according to your liking. You should bring your shoes, belt, cufflinks and any such accessories if needed to make sure you are happy with the fit. If there is any tweaking needed, our tailor will do it in house and work around your schedule to have your clothing ready in time. Note: Existing clients and/or new clients who live out of New York can skip this process and request their clothing to be shipped. In case something does need to be tweaked, you can bring your clothes back to us when you are in New York the next time.

We Guide/You decide
During your appointment, you can discuss the most common problems you face when shopping for clothes and tell us a little about yourself: your profession, any special occasion coming up, your clothing habits, budget etc. You may also present any pictures/samples mentioned in Step 1 above. Our stylists will then advise you and show you fabrics which would best fit your needs, body type and occupation. We will help you design your dream garments. Whether its fabrics, styling details, linings, monograms or even your buttons – you will have the final say and we will customize it for you.

Rock on
Wear your new custom suits and shirts with confidence! Old clothes or clothes that do not fit drain our vital energy and make you look old and make you feel out of shape. Whereas Custom Mens’ clothing, which is guaranteed to fit, will bring you positive energy, make you think clearly, and also boost your confidence at work/social events.